Heartfelt thanks to MMEG’S South Africa Program Selection Committee!

The South Africa Selection Committee had another very successful cycle in 2025. Two hundred and five applicants entered Round 1 of the review process and 12 of the 13 applicants recommended to the Board were awarded grants. Grantees ranged from 25 to 54 years old, studying in a variety of disciplines, including gender studies, medicine, immunology, health, neuroscience, linguistics, television studies, medical anthropology, engineering, nutrition, and law.

 The South Africa Program Selection Committee’s commitment to enhancing and supporting the success of women studying at South African universities is truly remarkable. The diversity of skills, experience, and expertise of Selection Committee members is paralleled in the diversity of disciplines among grantees. The time, rigor, and meticulous attention to detail and to the guidance provided by the Program Advisory Committee is deeply appreciated. That members of the selection committee have lived and work across the globe, in a variety of professions, has enriched the selection process and committee members’ ability to identify exceptional women from developing countries who are studying while working to improve the lives of women and children.

We thank these exceptional volunteers, whose dedication to MMEG promotes a better world through our exceptional grantees.